Title: Star Wars: Darth Vader-Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol.1: Imperial Machine
Writers: Charles Soule & Chris Eliopoulos
Artists: Giuseppe Camuncoli & Cam Smith
Recent Release Date: December 5, 2017
Synopsis: From acclaimed writer Charles Soule comes a brand-new, exhilarating series exploring Darth Vader's early history. Picking up directly where Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ends, follow Vader as he receives his legendary red lightsaber and witness Vader's rise to power as a Dark Lord of the Sith!
Review: This comic picks up right where Episode III left off. Like directly. There's the whole "Noooooooooo" thing and everything. I liked seeing Vader when he is new to being a Sith. It really is Anakin under there still. Throughout the comic, that Anakin begins to fall away.
I liked the mix of prequel and original trilogy aesthetic. Seeing Vader alongside clone troopers was very cool. The Grand Inquisitor even makes a cameo!
I read the Dark Horse comics that took place right after Order 66 so certain aspects of this comic remind me of those. In this comic, there are jedi who took the Barash Vow prior to the Purge, so they are still out and about in the galaxy. Vader takes this opportunity to take a lightsaber and make it bleed.
I really enjoyed this first volume in a new, ongoing comic series. I am absolutely excited for volume two. I give this volume a 5/5.