Title: Dream of The Butterfly Vol 1: Rabbits on the Moon
Author: Richard Marazano
Artist: Luo Yin
Upcoming Release Date: January 23, 2018
Synopsis: Tutu is lost in a village where winter is eternal and the rabbits of the secret police find her guilty of one of the worst crimes imaginable—being a little girl! The Emperor of this strange town holds the key to her redemption, but it will come at a price.
Review: This graphic novel has the feel of a Studio Ghibli film. There is wonder and beautiful artwork. The story is a familiar one. A young girl accidentally finds her way into a strange world where she doesn't belong. There are themes of growing up and not fitting in. The style of this story is in the vein of Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, Narnia, or Labyrinth.
The character design is wonderful. Every background character has been fully imagined in this strange world of eternal winter. The colors accurately reflect the feel of the different environments.
Although this is a beautiful comic, I felt it didn't have enough heart in the story. I wasn't exactly sure what what happening for most of the story, but that may be intentional. I think if this had been an animated film with a lush score and the same art style, it may have caught my attention more and delivered for me emotionally. I also wasn't a fan of the cliffhanger ending. I was hoping for a more completed story.
I give this comic a 3/5. The artwork is excellent, but the story just didn't pull me in.